Test automation

Systematic, automatic and continuous test

Compiler QualificationTool Configuration


Modern products are constantly being developed and improved. Quality assurance therefore requires a continuous test accompanying each development activity. When automating the tests, users face the following challenges:

  • Integration of existing and future tests in a test automation
  • Uniform systematic structuring of existing and future tests
  • Optimization of the test execution (for analysis/runtime/…)
  • Systematic test reporting

Benefit from our decades of experience in the development and testing of tools! We have been supporting several of our customers continuously for years in the maintenance of their test execution environment and test development!

Automated GUI test

Extensive GUI-based safety-critical applications often require extensive manual validation. For example, the acceptance test of a mission planning tool in the avionics environment according to DO-278B requires a systematic approach, which can be very tedious due to the large number of tests. Due to the high degree of automation of the tests, the avoidance of critical errors can take place parallel to the development. In addition, standard-compliant acceptance tests can enable successful and efficient acceptance.

How we support you

  • Automation of GUI testing in continuous integration systems, such as Jenkins
  • Creation of model-based and/or systematic specifications and GUI tests
  • Efficient test by avoidance of cloning.

Read also

Your benefits

  • Reduction of costs and increase of the completeness of the acceptance test
  • Proven, systematic approach, compliant with current safety standards
  • Smooth coordination with certification authorities

Test case generation

Executable test specifications: MSC2C code generator

How we support you

With our test generator which generates executable C code out of Message Sequence Charts (MSCs), we bring test specifications to life by executing them directly. Test protocols are also depicted as MSCs. We could take over the following tasks for you:

  • Creation of test specifications with MSCs
  • Test execution and analysis
  • Integration of the method in your processes and tool chains

Your benefits

Test automation with MSC2C offers the following advantages:

  • Precise test specifications
  • Easy to understand graphical representation of test specifications and test procedures
  • Elimination of test implementation
  • Shortening of the test cycle times (specification, implementation, analysis)

Test execution - Jenkins

Continuous integration systems like Jenkins are used for build automation. But they can also be used very well for test automation for continuous quality assurance.

We have gained experience from various projects with well-known customers and also from our in-house projects on how continuous quality assurance should take place.

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How we support you

  • We design an automated quality assurance and then implement it technically, so that it can be used efficiently in your projects
  • The main focus here is the structuring of different quality assurance methods and the uniform realization of validations of a class
  • Thanks to uniform realization and structuring, automated realization helps maintenance of quality assurance with minimal effort

Your benefits

Continuous automated quality assurance allows you to gain an insight into the status of your development at any time.

  • Creation of an overall concept for quality assurance
  • Comprehensibility through uniformly structured classes of various validations
  • Easy maintainability through automated realization

You want to know more?

Talk to our expert for test automation!

Peter Schauer
Validas AG
Tel +49 (89) 5388669-17